A braver self

Year 2017 is a year to be remember. many events happened. be it a blissful or unfortunate one. I cherished every moments. Because they help me GROW.  First time visit to central Europe, across 5 different countries in 2 weeks. Trip up to Jungfrau The Top of Europe was magnificent. Settled with my life partner that doesn't mind my bad habits. Got my first C-sec scar ever. Feeling of death is so near that I can almost smell it. Made a life changing decision to move to the southern hemisphere. Exploring new place meeting new people. Everything is lovely. Cheers for a braver self. Sometimes what you need is to slower down your pace. I have been focusing more on virtual desire than living my real life. But now I have options right in front of me. So real, so pretty. I should live now. Live at the moment. Right now. So as you. In the morning. Bird chirping through the window. At night. Seeing stars through window. May the journey continues. This space is meant to celebrate all the ups and down time of yours truly. 

I'm back,


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